Category Judging
The term "category" refers to one of the 13 categories in the physical or biological science fields or divisions. The purpose of category judging is to select the student entries that will be awarded first, second, third and/or honorable mention place awards that are presented to the students at the Dr. Nelson Ying Orange County Science Exposition Awards Ceremony. Category judging is performed by a team of judges led by a team captain. A total of 26 teams are generally required (13 categories in each of the Junior [middle school] and Senior [high school] divisions).
In addition, category judging determines the students who are eligible for "Ying Scholar" or "Grand Prize" awards. Once the category winners have been determined, the team captains select the Grand Prize winners by judging the 1st place category winners in each field.
Category judging takes approximately 5 to 6 hours to complete, including sweepstakes. Category judges are expected to check in no later than 7:30 AM on the day of judging so that judging can begin at 8:00 AM.
To register as a Category judge click here.
(If you are looking for information concerning "Special Award Judging" click here.)
These are our future doctors and scientists that you get to meet, mentor and enjoy.