Dr. Nelson Ying Science Competition
Eligibility: Ying Expo first place winners in Senior Division Physical Sciences + Biochemistry
Atreya Manaswi wins the 2023 and the 2024 Dr. Nelson Ying Science Competition at the Orlando Science Center. His teacher at Orlando Science High School, Judith Bright, was awarded $1000.00!
Mahie Patil finished third among the qualifiers in the Dr. Nelson Ying Competition in 2024.
Lockheed Martin Science Challenge
Eligibility: First place projects Physical Sciences from grades 6-12
Tiffani Gay wins the 2024 Lockheed Martin Science Challenge.
Students from the Dr. Nelson Ying Orange County Science Competition dominated at the 2024 Lockheed Martin Science Challenge, winning five of the eight middle school categories and three of the eight high school categories.
Eligibility: High School students only selected by judges at the Ying Expo and FSSEF
Mahie Patil, Tiffani Gay, Judith Bright, Will Martyny, Atreya Manaswi and Jerry Chen at the 2024 Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair in Los Angeles, California.
Proud to wear the polo shirts recognizing our title sponsor, Dr. Nelson Ying, Jr.
It was nice to renew the custom of a nice, formal dinner at ISEF at one of LA’s finest restaurants.
Eligibility: Prestigious science competition for high school seniors.
Atreya Manaswi, Regeneron Science Talent Search 2025 Finalist
School: Orlando Science Middle/High School, Orlando, FL
Project Title: Year 5: Engineering a Novel IoT Trapping System With a Multiple Linear Regression Model Toward Eco-Friendly, High-Efficacy and Low-Cost Honey Bee Pest Treatment and Management
Eligibility: International High School competition about environmental issues.
Monish Saravana won the Silver Medal at the 2023 GENIUS Olympiad in New York.
Thermo Fisher Scientific JIC (formerly Broadcom MASTERS)
The top 10% of all the Junior Division projects are nominated for this prestigious competition.
Lake Highland Preparatory School’s, Varun Madan was a 2018 Broadcom MASTERS finalist.
Elise Rina from Lake Eola Charter School was a 2020 Broadcom MASTERS finalist.
Atreya Manaswi from Orlando Science Schools was a 2021 Broadcom MASTERS finalist. Atreya won first place and was a member of the top team in October, 2021.