Over 150 volunteers are needed each year to successfully stage the Science Exposition. These volunteers fall into three broad groups:
Administration - these volunteers plan, coordinate, schedule, register, review entries for conformance to the rules and regulations, set up the site and generally "run" the exposition. Volunteer time commitment varies from a few hours "once-in-a-while" at the beginning of the school year to all-day long on the date of the Exposition. If you are interested in helping in this area please send an email to our Director.
Special Award Judges - these volunteers judge student entries to determine the recipients of special awards which have been donated by Exposition sponsors. Volunteer time commitment consists of 2 to 3 hours on the date of the Exposition. If you are interested in helping in this area please send an email to our Awards Chairperson.
Category Award Judges - these volunteers judge student entries to determine the "place" awards (i.e. 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.) in each of the 13 categories. Category judging is performed by a team of judges lead by a team captain. Once the category awards winners have been selected, the 1st place winner in all of the categories are judges by the team captains to determine the winner(s) of the Grand Prize. Volunteer time commitment consists of 5 to 6 hours on the date of the Exposition. For more information please see the "Register to Judge" page.
Thank you to the hundreds of professionals who judge the Ying Expo.